Monday, March 27, 2023

We are of Two Minds

We are all of two minds. The first is the one with which we are most familiar. This is one produced by the brain, and conforms to what we might call "self" or "ego." It is largely concerned with protecting itself, however it defines itself, in any way possible, and with furthering its own existence in any way possible. The second is that with which many of us have only felt whispers of, traces at the edge of our conscious mind. This is the mind devoid of ego or self. This is the mind which we might call spirit or consciousness, and it is not produced by the brain but exists independently of it, and will exist long after the brain is dust. This is the mind that is not concerned with protecting itself, because it does not recognize a "self" to protect. This is the mind for which love and compassion towards all others as oneself is a natural, given state because it recognizes no difference between itself and the other. This is the mind for which union with God is its normal state of being.
     And these two minds are at war within the human being. The mortal, neurological mind reacts to nearly everything with fear, anger, and satisfying bodily cravings. The immortal mind reacts first with love, then joy, peace, patience, and so on. The mortal mind seeks to protect its own self-identity, or how it defines itself with its likes, dislikes, personal beliefs, interests, and so forth. The immortal mind has no attachments to any of these because they are all transient and will blow away like dust on the wind. The mortal human mind, in comparison with all other animals on Earth, is malfunctioning from a DNA error which happened thousands of years ago. The immortal mind cannot malfunction.
     For those under the control of the mortal mind, there is no way to not cause harm, even if harm is not intended, because the mortal mind has created an illusion of insularity from everyone and everything else. For those whom the immortal mind is in control, they are under no such illusion.
     I think it's really long past time I stopped allowing my mortal mind as much free reign as I do. It does nothing but cause fear, anxiety, doubt, and is the source of a lot of my panic attacks, migraines, and even stomach issues as it tries to protect what it thinks it is or should be. And all the while the immortal mind waits patiently, trying to console, comfort, and push me further in the direction I need to go to find healing, answers, and even hope.

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