Monday, April 20, 2015

A Ramble About Demons and Unclean Spirits

I don't generally write about this subject. From what experience and study I do have, those who actually know anything about it know that it's something you hope you never have to encounter, and are never allowed to forget if you do.

The first thing that needs to be understood about demons is that they're insane. Another way to put it is that they're clinically psychotic and unstable. And they have a grudge against human beings so malevolent that it defies reason.

The second thing that needs to be understood is that they're virtually everywhere, and they're always whispering little suggestions trying to get us to engage with them. As we agree with these insidious little suggestions, said demons gain a bigger foothold in our thoughts, feelings, and practices. “To whomever you offer yourself as a slave to obey, you are that one's slave whom you obey.” Most of the time, this leads to mere confusion and a wasted or destroyed life. But in some cases, it leads further to oppression, and then possession.

It doesn't seem like demons can take possession of someone without their agreement or permission in some way, whether it was obtained on the sly or not. If you agree with a demonic suggestion, any demonic suggestion no matter how innocuous it may seem, you risk opening yourself up to a world of hurt as even the smallest “joining of minds” with one can throw open the floodgates as it pushes more and more. If you give an inch, a demon will take a lightyear if it can get away with it. It also doesn't appear that those being influenced by demons are aware of it unless the thing has taken full possession.

One thing I and others have noticed, is that when a person is being influenced by a demon to attack a Christian in some way, there is always something different about the expression in the person's eyes. It's hard to describe except that it seems more malevolent and off balance somehow. This is especially true in full possession, as well as a possible change in the person's voice.

Exorcising a demon doesn't guarantee that demon will be gone for good. Remember, the person had to “join minds” or agree with the demon in some way in order for it to begin to influence that person to the point of oppression or possession. That initial agreement in terms of thought or feelings may not have changed just because the thing was chased away. Once it has been thrown out, the formerly influenced person has to turn away from that agreement and close that open door. This is often psychologically easier said than done because that agreement can come from personal trauma and deep pain which the demon can then exploit with suggestion. Battle against demonic influence is an ongoing process, not a once for all proposition. Put simply, they don't give up without a fight, and they don't just go away. Once they are aware of a weakness, they will continue to exploit it until it is no longer a weakness. Then they will look for another one. Be prepared for a long and drawn out, possibly life-long fight.

Demons will usually attack those whom they deem a threat, and leave those whom they don't alone. Often, by leaving a Christian alone, this will cause a puffed up head as the Christian is able to abstain from various sins. This puffed up head becomes pride, and then the man has done all the demon's work by destroying himself this way spiritually for the demon. Thus you see a number of Christians who seem to have no problems, and become increasingly assured of their own personal godliness or spirituality.

If a demon is consistently repelled by a Christian through prayer and ascetic practice, it will turn on those who are close to the person and try to force a reaction through that close friend or loved one. Barring this, I've seen them influence pets and other animals to become unexplainably aggressive or hostile.

In Scripture, neither Jesus nor his Apostles went looking for demons to cast out. If one happened to approach and start shouting who He was, or in the case of St. Paul, start giving unauthorized endorsements, then they exorcised it. They also did so when requested. But otherwise, they left them alone if the demons left them alone. The Gerasene Demoniac in Mark is instructive in this matter as Jesus even had compassion on the legion of demons in the man and granted their request, malevolent though they may have been.

Furthermore, in the book of Acts, not just anyone could perform an exorcism using Jesus' name. There is an instructive passage in Acts 19:13-16 regarding this. The only ones in Holy Scripture who are seen doing this seem to be either Jesus Himself, of whom the demons were terrified, or the Apostles, principally St. Paul, whose name the aforementioned demon in Acts 19 recognized. Exorcism was also practiced in the Pre-Nicene Church on a regular basis when the need arose by more than one member of the Church, but again, they didn't go hunting neither did they knowingly provoke a fight.

The only people whom demons seem to recognize as having the authority to order them around are those who are close to Jesus Christ in faith and practice. Invoking His Name isn't enough. You have to actually be following and obeying Him as He taught in self-denial, love, constant prayer, humility, and Grace. Even in these best of circumstances, it is a dangerous and serious thing to attempt. You're dealing with an eons old, very powerful, psychotic spiritual being who despises you and has it in for you. A Christian who is in any kind of sin is in terrible danger if they attempt it. A Christian who is not remaining in Christ is in terrible danger if they attempt it, regardless of who they are or what manner of holy orders they keep. From my understanding, there have been priests who have ended up possessed because they hadn't taken their relationship with and obedience to Christ seriously enough.

I can't stress enough that the only human being a demon is actually afraid of is Jesus Christ Himself. If a person is not closely joined to Him by agreement with Him, by obedience to Him, and by remaining in Him, they will toy with that person, they will deceive that person, they will use that person's weakness, especially their pride, against them to destroy that person and they will enjoy doing it.

I write this, hopefully, to sober up the person who thinks that they're “all that” and thinks that they can just walk in and cast out a demon in Jesus' Name (as some Christians seem to teach these days). You have no idea what you're walking into, and once you stir up that hornet's nest... demons have long memories, don't forgive, and don't give up.