Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Everything is Allowed for Me, but Not Everything is Assistive

 "Everything is allowed for me, but not everything is assistive. Everything is allowed for me, but I will not be brought under the authority of anything." - 1 Corinthians 6:12

This is a difficult verse to understand for those who believe being a Christian is about following rules and commandments. How can everything be allowed when there are so many things commanded against? One interpretation which I've heard is Paul quoting something the Corinthians were telling themselves based on Epicurean philosophy and then countering it, but I really don't think so.
     Everything is allowed because the actual practicing Christian isn't operating from his own responses, but it is the Spirit of Christ acting, speaking, and responding through him. As Paul wrote, "against such there is no law." As he also wrote, the law is not meant for the person who is functioning correctly, but for the person who is functioning incorrectly, the deranged, murderers, and so on. But if it is the Spirit of Christ acting and speaking through you, it is God Himself doing so. Would God do something which is not right? Would God murder, steal, commit adultery, and so on? Everything is allowed so long as it is God in control of your words and actions, and conversely, if it is you operating from your own malfunctioning resources, you cannot help but make mistakes and malfunction and trying to keep commandments only makes it worse, not better.
     Everything is permitted for me, but I will not be brought under the authority of anything. That is, I will not become the slave of anything other than the Spirit of Christ. I will not be brought under the authority of my cravings for alcohol, sweets, narcotics, sex, and so on to obey their commands. I will not be brought under the authority of my fear and panic to obey its commands. I will not be brought under the authority of my anger to obey its commands. I will not be brought under the authority of my relationships or fear of losing them to obey their commands. I will not be brought under the authority of my self-identity to obey its commands. Everything is permitted for me, but I will not be that thing's slave to obey its commands.
     And so food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food, but God will render both useless in time. The same is true of sexual activity in its proper context, but I will not be brought under its authority to be its slave, and this is what happens with sexual promiscuity, pornography, prostitution, and so on. One becomes a slave to those physical cravings to obey their commands. I have one Master, one Owner, and my bodily cravings, fear, and aggression are not Him. One can either obey the Spirit of Christ, or one can obey these other things, but not both, and so while everything is permitted, not everything assists us. It is not a matter of commands, law, or following rules, it's a matter of who you want your Owner to be.

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