Friday, April 26, 2024

A Response from the Lord to a Comment About an Attack on "Christian Values"

    Friend, being a disciple of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with defending "western values" or even "Christian values." Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is about one thing, Jesus Christ and the continued practice of imitating Him, that is, submitting to and cooperating with the Spirit of Christ with whom we are one just like He submitted to and cooperated with the Father with whom He was One. It isn't about enforcing a moral code or "values" on everyone else or even ourselves. Paul is very explicit when it comes to this. 

     It's about disengaging from our own devices, our own moral codes, our own flesh originated fear, aggression, and bodily cravings; it's about learning to not submit to our own malfunctioning physical minds, and to engage with and submit to the Spirit of Christ, operating from Him as the source of our words, actions, and so on so that, just as Jesus Christ didn't say or do anything that the Father didn't say or do through Him, so neither we say or do anything that Jesus Christ doesn't say or do through us. All those functioning in this way, thay are not subject to any law, any moral codes, any set of "values" because it is Jesus Christ who acts and speaks and is the origin of their responses and He does not error. He does not sin. That which is born of God does not sin. 

     By focusing on "values", you distract from the whole method, practice, and purpose of discipleship, coming into full synchronization with Jesus Christ. Would Jesus Christ practice witchcraft? Would He consort with demons? If He is acting through you, neither will you and it doesn't matter what stories you enjoy or media you consume. All is permitted, because Jesus Christ acting through you does not and cannot sin, if you are submitting to and cooperating with the Spirit of Christ with whom you are one. If you are not, then you are trying to keep rules, regulations, moral codes, and "values" in order to do what is right, and failing miserably because without Him we can do nothing but "sin". 

     You are focusing on the wrong thing and defending the path of the Pharisee trying to invoke fear of breaking a rule or moral code instead of invoking the Spirit of Christ to act and speak through the person, which is marked, not by fear, but by love, peace, patience, trust, kindness, courtesy, self-control, forgiveness, and so on. If you're going to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, then be a disciple of Jesus Christ and not a disciple of conservatism. That was the path of the Pharisee.

     Friend, re-read what I just wrote. 

     If it is Jesus Christ acting and speaking through you then He is not going to "sin" through you. Herein lies the difference, neither laws nor moral codes nor values have any ability to actually change behavior because the source of that behavior, the malfunctioning human brain/mind remains the same. The only thing they can do is make you feel guilty and afraid as they trigger that very same malfunctioning mind. The only way for behavior to actually change, the only way for correct or "right" behavior to happen is if it is Jesus Christ doing it through you, and the Father, the ultimate source, through Him. 

     For the record, He ate with prostitutes and other "sinful" outcasts and still didn't sin. Pretty sure He could walk into a strip club and come out without sinning either. If He is the one in control, then Scripture is clear, what is born of God does not sin.

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