Friday, September 22, 2023

God's Immediate Answer to Adam's Fall

 If Jesus Christ was God's answer to the fall of Adam, then why did He wait for thousands of years to come? Why wasn't it immediate? The answer is that it was immediate where eternity is concerned. 

     Eternity is not governed by time or space. Time and space are merely a few dimensions or vectors of travel among many which cross through Eternity. When the Logos incarnated as a human being immediately in response to the fall of Adam, He entered our "timestream" from Eternity at a point along that timestream which was appropriate. 

     While we can imagine space in three dimensions, we can only imagine time in terms of forwards or backwards, and really only forwards in terms of cause and effect. We can only think in one dimension of time, one vector. But the dimensions of space and time from the perspective of Eternity are much less confining, and much more "voluminous" than we can physically process with our human brains because of their four dimensional nature. The incarnation of the Logos as a human being from Eternity impacted the entirety of our timestream towards the very beginning of it and towards the very end of it. What we perceive temporally as a single event which can only effect events after it, was actually a multidimensional event with effects that transcended our concepts of space, time, causality, and the more modern Quantum Mechanics concept of retrocausality, that is an event in the present causing an effect in the past.

     The union of the Logos with human flesh meant the union of the Logos with all human beings within that timestream inasmuch as all human beings are variations of the same human being and descended from the same human being. And the death of the Logos incarnated as a human being impacted every human being along that timestream as well. What happened to the Logos incarnated happened to Adam and every descendant of Adam through that union. It happened to every single person that shares Adam's "flesh," his DNA. As such, if every human being died with Him, then every human being will also, at some point along our timestream, be transformed just as He was transformed, and those who have physically died will be restored to a transformed, "energy based" physical body just as He was, because He and every human being are one. Because it is an eternal event it has already happened in the absolute. We who are still moving along our common timestream are just waiting to catch up to its place within that timestream. 

     Thus, and for this reason, the mechanism for this deliverance, our union with Jesus Christ and thus with His Father, which is found within and through Jesus Christ from our common malfunction was already in place for Adam and every human being from then until the present day, and until the day of transformation and resurrection.

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