Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Thoughts on Proving God's Existence

 God's existence doesn't need to be proven. Even if you could provide absolute ironclad evidence for His existence, those who refuse to accept it will continue to refuse to accept it and come up with their own reasons and evidence as to why. His existence isn't contingent on whether or not a human being believes He exists. It is only human vanity which demands God prove He exists to them and then shuts its eyes and ears to anything which might suggest it. God is not answerable to human beings.

     When someone chooses not to accept something as true, then there is no possible way to reason with them about it, and it is pointless to try. For that person, it is a conscious choice to close their eyes and shut their ears and they will open neither until they make the conscious choice to do so.

     It is only human delusion that suggests that God needs us to believe in Him. He doesn't need us to exist. We need Him to exist. In a very real way, it is only His belief in us which keeps our existence intact and not scattered into the cosmic winds. He reaches out to us because we need Him, not because He needs us.

     But for those who choose to keep their eyes and ears open, God does respond. He can respond a lot, actually, especially if we shut up enough to listen and observe. God knows if you'll pay attention, and what you'll pay attention to when He lets you know He's there. As I've said before, God speaks your language. Not just the language you speak like English, Spanish, or Japanese, but your personal language of the way you understand and comprehend things unique to you and you alone. It is in this language which He will get your attention and communicate with you. It is also over time. He rarely if ever reveals anything to you which He knows you're not ready to handle yet, and it is an ongoing conversation through signs and symbols which He knows you'll comprehend the meaning of, whether it's spoken language, visual cues, smells, tastes, music, writing, coincidence, or anything else which will mean something to you. How He communicates with another person will be unique to them as well, and not meant for you. How He communicates with you will not be meant for them.

     But first and foremost, He doesn't have any pressing need to be proven. His is the first, last, and only independent existence which could be considered "real." Everything else, really, is just a product of His imagination, sentience and self-awareness notwithstanding. Just code programmed into His own infinite and eternal energy to produce forms, dimensions, independent consciousnesses, particles, planets, galaxies, and more. Just intelligent, self-aware NPCs with their own wills, emotions, and choices to make in a one Player cosmic RPG.

     And the kick of it is, He cares so much for each and every one of those NPCs that they are His whole focus. He is absolutely consumed with their holistic well being, even when they're deranged and malfunctioning. They are His friends and family, without whom He will not do.

      And if one of them insanely refuses to acknowledge His existence? He's more concerned for that NPC's psychological health and well being than He is for the delusional slight.

     He is. He was before any of us even registered a blip. He will be long after we fail to register at all. He doesn't need anyone to prove Him at all.

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