Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thoughts While Laying Awake at Night

God is on my mind tonight.

I don't like being asked the question “Do you believe in God?” For most this seems like a simple “yes” or “no” answer. But for me, the image that comes to my mind is of the titular character in “Evan Almighty” when he's naively told that he needs to shave after he'd spent hours that morning struggling to remove a beard that refused to die, “You have no idea!” However, in most conversations, I can't really say that as a response because the questioner really does have no idea what he's asking or the absurdity of the question and would be offended if I pointed this out, or like many would try to analyze me and figure me out which then becomes awkward and throws up more barriers.

Another response which goes through my head is, “Are you kidding me?” And this too would probably be either threatening to the questioner, or mark me as someone who tries to artificially spiritualize everything to make myself sound more religious than I really am. This is why I rarely talk about what I believe anymore to people I'm not certain share the same faith. I've learned the hard way that if my actions don't match what I say I believe then it's best to stay silent. I'd rather let my actions share Christ than let my mouth embarrass Him.

For a long time now I've been trying to come up with a realistic picture of God given all available data. While what I've got so far works for me, I know it doesn't work for everyone. That's fine. It doesn't matter if it does, because that doesn't change the reality of His existence. It's like trying to put a face to a familiar voice, a familiar touch that you've never seen because you're blind. You don't even know where to begin. And it's only every so often that you get a glimmer of the reality behind the Presence because when you do it's overwhelming and you're left almost unable to process.

I understand where people start from, where the existence of God might be questioned when there is no basis of a relationship or communication. But at this point in my life, questioning His existence is more ludicrous than questioning my own. We have too much of a history together. It is true that He sees no need to prove His existence to anyone. But this shouldn't surprise anyone. There is a saying, small dogs bark the loudest. The opposite is also true. Alphas have no need to prove themselves. The inferior members of the pack vie for their attention, not the Alpha for theirs. So it is with God, you either submit and accept Him as a starting point of a relationship, or you don't. It is not a relationship of equals. Don't be arrogant enough to demand it. This is what the small dog does.

The "picture" I have of God now, I've tried to understand and explain, and I think my hypothesis fits the data. When I truly sit and try to meditate on it, it overwhelms me and can move me to terrified trembling and tears while at the same time realizing I continue to exist only because of His lovingkindness and mercy. I can't think if the term "I Am" anymore without it provoking some kind of a response in this vein.

It takes real work to cultivate a relationship with Him. Just like it does with anyone. It takes communication, trying to listen, making mistakes, learning about each other and taking leaps of faith. None of this happens overnight. Sure, He might briefly take control of you for something with your cooperation, but that's one experience. One experience does not a solid relationship make for anyone. Salvation is a result of this relationship, both in this life and beyond, and God's no fool. He knows who His friends are, and who they aren't. He loves you but He's not going to acknowledge a relationship that doesn't exist. Relationships are two way not one way.

Just my thoughts before bed.

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