Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Daily Prayer

This is a prayer I repeat almost every day. I hope whoever reads this might find it useful:

Almighty Father, I confess and admit that I am poor, blind, weak, naked, and ignorant before you, and that I can do nothing of myself.

I ask that you would fill me with your grace; that you would take full possession of these hands and these feet, this mouth, this heart, and this mind; that this personight be Jesus for people, give Jesus to people, receive Jesus from people, and see Jesus in people today.

I ask that you yourself would overflow within me with you presence and your power, with your love and your compassion, with your wisdow and your humility that others might come to know you through me, and that I might not say or do anything that you don't want me to say or do; and that I might say and do everything that you want me to say and do; that I might not cause harm or damage, and if I should that you would use that damage for good.

I thank you, I love you, I praise you, and I worship you, and I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

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