And He talked to them with parables a lot, saying, “Look, the guy scattering seed for planting came out to toss it onto the field. And with him throwing it out for planting some fell in fact next to the road, and having come the birds devoured the seeds. Yet others fell upon rocky ground where they didn’t have much soil, and they immediately shot up because of not having any depth of soil; and with the sun having risen they were burned and because of not having enough of a root system those sprouts dried up. And others fell upon thorny weeds, and the thorny weeds came up and strangled them. Yet others fell upon the quality soil and gave fruit. This one in fact a hundred, and that one sixty, and another thirty. Let the person having ears hear.”
And having approached, the disciples said to Him, “Why are you talking to them with parables?” And the One responding said that, “It has been given to you to recognize the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavenly realms, but it hasn’t been given to those people. Because anyone who possesses, it will be given to him and it will overflow; but anyone who doesn’t possess, what he does possess will also be lifted away from him.” …1
“You then listen to the parable of the person scattering the seed for planting. Of every person hearing the logos of the kingdom and not getting it, the good for nothing one comes and plunders what has been planted in his heart, this is what was tossed next to the road. And what was scattered upon the rocky ground, this is the one who hearing the logos and immediately accepting it with joy, but he doesn’t have a root system within himself, but is transient, and with distress and being hunted happening because of the logos he is immediately tripped up. And the one being scattered into the thorny weeds, this is the guy who hears the logos and becomes fruitless. But the one scattering upon the quality soil, this is the guy hearing the logos and getting it, who indeed brings fruit and this one makes a hundred in fact, and that one sixty, and the other one thirty.”
1I chose to omit Matthew 13:13-17 as an abridgment. Notably, this section doesn’t appear in Luke’s retelling of this parable.
“And when Bar-Enash should come with His glory and the messengers with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne; and all the people groups will be gathered in front of Him, and He will separated them from one another, just like the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and on the one hand, He will stand the sheep at his right, but the goats at His left. Then the king will say to those at His right, ‘Come here, you who are spoken well of by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared from the founding of the universe. Because I hungered and you gave Me something to eat, I thirsted and you gave me something to drink, I was a foreigner and you brought Me inside, naked and you robed Me, I was ill and you got Me care, I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the people who are right will answer Him saying, “Mar, at what time did we see You hungering and feed You, or thirsting and give You something to drink? And at what time did we see You a foreigner and bring you inside, or naked and robe You? And at what time did we see You ill or in prison and came to You?’ And responding the king will say to them, “Amen I tell you, upon as much as you did it to one of these least of My brothers, you did it to Me.”
“Then He will also speak to those at His left, ‘Go away from Me you upon whom curses are called down into the ageless fire which was prepared for the Slanderer and his messengers. Because I hungered and you didn’t give Me anything to eat, I thirsted and you didn’t give Me anything to drink, I was a foreigner and you didn’t bring Me inside, naked and you didn’t robe Me, ill and in prison and you didn’t provide care for Me.’ Then they themselves will also respond saying, “Mar, at what time did we see you hungering or thirsting or a foreigner or naked or ill or in prison and didn’t minister to You?’ At that time He will respond to them saying, ‘Amen I tell you, upon as much as you didn’t do it for the least of these, neither did you do it for Me.’ And these will go away into ageless discipline, yet the people who are right into the life of the Eternal One.”
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