Because of this also we, from which day we heard, don’t pause praying and asking on your behalf, so that you would be filled full of the knowledge of His will which comes from seeing it for yourself with every wisdom and putting it together in the mind which both come from the Pneuma, to operate worthily of the Owner as far as every desire to please Him, with every good thing achieved producing fruit and being grown by the knowledge which comes from experiencing the God for yourself, being enabled with every ability in line with His reputed real power resulting in every endurance and keeping a long temper. With joy thanking the Father who is enough for you folks as far as the share of the inheritance of the holy in the light; Who rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transposed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, by means of Whom we have the redemption, [that is], the dropping of the malfunctioning behaviors, Who is the avatar of the unseen God, firstborn of all the creation, because with Him the everything has been created in the heavenly realms and on the ground, the visible things and the unseen, either thrones or ownerships or beginning ones or authorities; the everything was created through Him and for Him, and He exists before everything and the everything has been stood together by means of Him1, and He is the head of the body of the Congregation; Who is the start, firstborn from the dead so that Himself being the first it would have happened among all, because He was pleased for the sum of everything to reside within Him and through Him to completely reconcile the everything away from the darkness into Himself again, having brought peace through the blood of His cross, whether the things on the earth or the things in the heavenly realms.
And you folks, at one time existing separated and hostile in your conscious mind by means of your good for nothing works, yet now He completely exchanged you folks away from that with His physical body through this death to offer you folks holy and unblemished and not liable to an accusation standing directly in front of Him, if you at least continue by the realization of Yeshua having been grounded and seated and not moving from the hope of the Gospel which you heard which was preached among every single creation which is under the sky, of which I, Paulus became a servant.
Now I rejoice with the sufferings on your behalf and fill up completely with my physical body what the crushings of the Anointed failed to reach on behalf of His body, which is the Congregation, of which I myself became a servant in line with the household management of the God which was given to me for the purpose of filling you with the Logos of the God, the mystery hidden from the eons and from the generations—yet now was made visible to His holy ones, to whom the God wished to make known what the wealth of the reputation of this mystery is among the people groups, which is the Anointed within you, the hope of this reputation; Whom we proclaim warning every single human being and teaching every single human being by means of every single bit of wisdom, so that we should cause every human being to stand brought to completion by means of the Anointed; for which thing I also wear myself out contending for this prize in line with His energy which is energized within me with power.
Because I wish you to know what kind of a struggle I have on your behalf, on behalf of those in Laodikeia, and as many as haven’t physically seen my face, so that their hearts would be motivated having been brought together with love and as far as every wealth of the certainty of this union, for the knowledge of the mystery of God, the Anointed, which comes from seeing that mystery for yourselves, within whom [the Anointed] are hidden all the treasures of the wisdom and knowledge. I say this thing, so that no one would defraud you folks with the use of probable arguments. Because if I am also away from you where the physical body is concerned, all the same I am together with you where the Pneuma of the Anointed is concerned, rejoicing and looking at how you are ordered and drawn up and the solidity of your realization as far as the Anointed is concerned.
Like you then received the Anointed, Yeshua the Owner, operate by means of Him, rooted and constructed upon with Him and being stabilized in this realization just like you were taught, overflowing with thanksgiving. Look out for not any of you to be the guy carrying people off as captives through the philosophy and empty sleight of hand in line with the mythology of human beings, in line with the rudiments of the illusion of this world and not in line with the Anointed; because within Him is the entire sum of what makes God “God” in a human body, and you are having been filled with Him who is the head of every princeps and authority, with whom also you were circumcised with a circumcision not made by human hands with the stripping off of the biological body with the circumcision from the Anointed, being entombed together with Him by means of your baptism, with which you were also raised together with Him through your realization with the energies of the God who raised Him from the dead; and you folks being dead by the missteps and foreskin of your physical body, He made you alive together with Him, having humored us where all the missteps are concerned. Having wiped out the handwriting against us in the dogmas which were opposed to us, and he took it from the middle having nailed it securely to the cross; having stripped the beginnings and the authorities he flaunted them openly, having led them in chains in a triumphant parade by means of Him.
Don’t then let anyone judge you folks with food and with drink or with part of festival holidays or new moons or shabbats; which things are shadows of what’s to come, yet the body casting the shadow belongs to the Anointed. Don’t let anyone cheat you out of the prize wishing with humility and a religion of angels, setting foot upon what things he had not seen, for no reason having a big head under his biological intellect, and not seizing the head out of whom the entire body through the ligaments and sinews being supplied and brought together grows the growth of the God.
If you died together with the Anointed away from the rudiments of the order of this world, what are you following dogmas for like living by means of the order of this world? “Don’t grasp nor taste nor handle,” which things are all as far as what’s consumed by using them up, in line with the commandments and teachings of human beings, which on the one hand hold a logic of wisdom by means of voluntary religion and humility and unsparing treatment of the body, but on the other hand are not with any value towards dealing with the gratification of the biological drives.
If then you folks were raised together with the Anointed, look for the things up top, where the Anointed is seated at the right side of the God; be mindful of the things up top, not the things on the ground. Because you folks died and your life had been covered over in the earth together with the Anointed by means of the God; when the Anointed is made visible—the life of you all—at that time you folks will also be made visible together with Him by means of His reputation.
Make then the parts of your body which are on the ground dead: whoring, dirtiness, passionate suffering, bad attachment, and the avarice which is idolatry, because of which things the passionate anger of the God is coming upon the unpersuaded sons among whom also you folks walked at one time, when you were living among them. And now you folks also disrobe yourselves from all these things: impulsiveness, temper, hurtfulness, blasphemy, profanity from your mouth. Don’t lie to one another, having stripped off the old Adam together with his activities and having been clothed with the new who is made fresh again for the knowledge which comes from observation in line with the image of the One having created him, where there isn’t a Greek and Iudaean, circumcision and foreskin, a barbarian, a Skythian, a slave, a free person, but the Anointed is the everything and within everything.
Clothe yourselves then, like the holy and dear chosen of God, with the deepest parts of compassion, kindness, humility, courtesy, a long temper, holding up one another and charitably giving to yourselves (if someone holds a cause of complaint in the direction of someone; just like also the Owner charitably gave to you, so also you folks), and love above all these things, which is what binds the finished work together. And let the peace of the Anointed arbitrate within your hearts, as far as which also you were chosen in a single body; and become thankful. Let the logos of the Anointed reside within you opulently, teaching and minding yourselves with every wisdom, with the charity of the God singing psalms, hymns, spiritual odes with your hearts to the God; and every single thing what ever you might do by means of logos or labor, do everything by means of the name of the Owner Yeshua, thanking the Father God through Him.
The women, post yourselves under the men as it is connected with the Owner. The men, love the women and don’t be made bitter towards them.
The children, obey the parents in line with everything, because this thing is pleasing with the Owner. The fathers, don’t incite your children to anger, so that they wouldn’t be discouraged.
The slaves, obey the flesh and blood owners in line with everything, not with eye-service like human pleasers, but respecting your owner with sincerity of the heart. Whatever you might do, work from the breath of life like you’re working for the Owner and not for human beings, knowing that you will receive repayment of your inheritance from the Owner. You are enslaved to the Owner, the Anointed; because the person doing wrong will be attended to for what he did wrong, and there isn’t any favoritism.
The slave-owners, grant the right thing and equality to your slaves, instinctively knowing that you also have an owner in the heavenly realm.
1Though he doesn’t use the word explicitly, Paul is here describing Yeshua as what anyone in the first century would have understood the Logos to be.