Paulos, slave of the Christ, Yeshua, called apostle appropriated as far as the Gospel of God which was being previously promised through His prophets with the Holy Scriptures about His Son who happened from the sperm of David where His biology is concerned, who having been divided from other human beings God the Son with power where the Spirit of holiness is concerned by the resurrection from the dead, Yeshua the Christ our Lord, through whom we received charity and apostleship as far as the obedience of the faith among all the ethnic groups on behalf of His name, among whom you also are summoned of Yeshua the Christ, to all those who are in Rome loved by God, summoned holy, charity to you and peace from God our Father and Lord Yeshua the Christ.
First I thank my God through Yeshua the Christ about all of you folks that the faith which is yours is proclaimed among the whole universe. Because God is my witness, to whom I minister as a priest with my spirit with the Gospel of His Son, as I incessantly make myself a memory of you always upon my prayers petitioning if somehow I would already have a good road at some point in time within the will of God to come to you. Because I long to see you, so that I would give a share of some spiritual charitable gift to you for the stabilizing of you, and this is to be encouraged together among you through the faith of one another both yours and mine. Yet I don’t wish you to be ignorant, brothers, that I openly planned many times to come in your direction, and I was prevented until the present, so that I would have some fruit also among you just like also among the rest of the ethnic groups. I am a debtor to both Greeks and barbarians, to both wise and unintelligent, thus as far as I’m concerned eager also to evangelize you who are in Rome.
Because I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the rescue of every single person who puts their trust into Him, both Iudaean first and Greek. Because the rightness of God is revealed with it from trust into the faith, just like it is written, “yet the righted will be alive from trust.”
Because the natural impulse of God is revealed from the heavenly realm upon every irreverence and wrong of human beings keeping the true nature of things suppressed with that wrong, for the reason that the thing known of God is visible inside them; because God made it visible to them. Because his unseen things being perceived by the mind are observed from the creation of the universe by the things made, or also His eternal power and state of being God, as far as them to be without defense, for the reason that knowing God not like God did they glorify Him or thanked Him, but were brought to nothing with their thoughts and the witless heart of them was darkened. Asserting to be wise they became stupid and exchanged the glory of the undecaying God with the likeness of an icon of a decaying human being and birds and mammals and reptiles.
Therefore God handed them over with the desires of their hearts into the filthy pus of the treating their bodies as worthless among themselves; such ones as exchanged the true nature of God with the lie and revered and ministered to the creation as priests alongside the One having created, who is blessed into the eons, amen. Because of this God handed them over into worthless experiences, because their females too exchanged the natural employment into what is besides nature, likewise too the males also letting go the natural employment of the female were kindled with their affinity for one another, males with males achieving a lack of decorum and receiving from their going astray with themselves the recompense which was necessary. And just like they didn’t put it to the test with the knowledge by observation to have God, God handed them over into an unproven intellect, to do unbecoming things. Having been filled with every single wrong, derangement, avarice, harm, full of envy, murder, discord, cheating, malice, whisperers, slanderers, God-haters, violent, arrogant, braggarts, inventors of harm, disobedient to parents, witless, disloyal, unloving, unmerciful; such ones as knowing the regulation of God by observation that those practicing such things as these are worthy of death, don’t just do them but also approve of those who practice them.
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