As then Yeshua knew that the Pharisees heard that “Yeshua makes and baptizes more disciples than Yohanan”--although Yeshua Himself wasn’t baptizing but His disciples—He had let Iudaea go and came out again into Galilee. Yet there was a need for Him to come through Samaria. He then comes into a town of Samaria called Sukhar neighboring the piece of land which Ya’akov gave to Yosef his son; and a wellspring of Ya’akov was there. Yeshua then having been worn out from the journey sat in this way upon the well; the hour was like the sixth.
A woman from Samaria comes to draw water. Yeshua says to her, “Give Me something to drink;” because His disciples had come away into the town so that they would purchase food. The Samaritan woman then says to Him, “How do You, being a Iudaean, beg something to drink from me, being a Samaritan woman? Because Iudaeans don’t avail themselves of Samaritans.” Yeshua answered and said to her, “If you knew the free gift of God and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me something to drink,’ you would have begged Him and he would have given to you living water.” The woman says to Him, “Lord, you don’t have a well-bucket and the well shaft is deep; from where then do you hold this ‘living water?’ You aren’t better than our father Ya’akov, who gave us the well shaft and he was drinking from it and his sons and his cattle?” Yeshua responded and said to her, “Every single person drinking from this water will be thirsty again; yet whoever would drink from the water which I will give him will absolutely not thirst at all into the eon, but the water which I will give to him will become a wellspring of water leaping up into the life of the Eternal One within him.” The woman says to Him, “Lord, give me this water, so that I wouldn’t be thirst, nor come through in this place to draw it.”
He says to her, Go call your man and come to this place.” The woman replied and said to him, “I don’t have a man.” Yeshua says to her, “You spoke beautifully that, ‘I don’t have a man;’ Because you’ve had five men and now whom you hold isn’t ‘your’ man; this you had spoken true.” The woman says to Him, “Lord, I view that You are a prophet. Our fathers prostrated themselves on this mountain; and you people say that the place where it is necessary to prostrate oneself is in Hierosoluma.” Yeshua says to her, “Trust Me, woman, that an hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Hierosoluma will you people prostrate yourselves to the Father. You people prostrate yourselves to what you don’t know; we prostrate ourselves to what we do know, because the rescue is from the Iudaeans. But an hour is coming and is now, when the genuine prostraters will prostrate themselves to the Father with the Spirit and the truth; because the Father is looking for such as these who prostrate themselves to Him. God is wind, and it is necessary for those prostrating themselves to Him to prostrate themselves with the Spirit and the truth.” The woman says to Him, “I know that Meshiakh is coming who is called ‘the Christ;’ when that One should come, He will announce everything to us.” Yeshua says to her, “I Am, who talks to you.”
And upon this His disciples came and were shocked that he was talking with a woman; on the other hand though no one said, “What are you looking for?” or “What are you talking with her for?” The woman then let her water jar go and came into the town and says to the people, “Come here, see a human being who said to me everything as much as I did, this guy isn’t the Christ, is He?” They came out from the town and started in His direction.
In the middle of this the disciples asked Him saying, “Rabbi, eat.” Yet he said to them, “I have food to eat which you people don’t know.” The disciples were saying to one another, “No one brought Him something to eat, did they?” Yeshua says to them, “The food which is Mine is so that I would do the will of the One having sent Me and would finish His work. Don’t you say that, It is still four months and the harvest comes? Look I tell you, lift up your eyes and view the fields that they are white for harvest. The reaper is already getting paid and gathering fruit as far as the life of the Eternal One, so that the one scattering the seed and the reaper both rejoice. Because with this the message is true that ‘another is the one who scatters the seed and another is the reaper.’ I sent you out to reap what you people hadn’t worn yourselves out for; others had worn themselves out and you had entered into their wearying work.
Yet out of that town many of the Samaritans put their trust into Him through the message of the woman testifying that, “He said to me everything which I did.” As then the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to stay next to them; and he stayed there two days. And by much, more people put their trust into Him because of His message, to the woman too they were saying that, “We no longer trust this because of your talking, because we ourselves had head and we know that this is genuinely the rescuer of the universe.”
Yet with the two days He came out from there into Galilee; because Yeshua Himself testified that a prophet doesn’t hold value within his own fatherland. When then He came into Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him having seen everything as much as He did within Hierosoluma at the holy day, because they also came into the holy day.
He then came into the Kana of Galilee, where He made the water wine. And some royal was there whose son was sick in K’fer-Nahum. This person having heard that Yeshua came here from Iudaea into Galilee came out to Him and requested so that He would go down and would cure his son, because he was about to die. Yeshua said to him, “If you people don’t see omens and portents, you absolutely won’t put your trust into Me at all, will you?” The royal says to Him, “Lord, go down before my boy is to die.” Yeshua says to him, “Go, your son is alive.” The human being put his trust in the message which Yeshua said to him and went. Yet with his already going down his slaves met him saying that his boy is alive. He inquired then the hour from them in which he got better; they then said to him that, “yesterday, the seventh hour, the fever let go of him.” The father then knew that this was the hour in which Yeshua said to him, “Your son is alive,” and he put his trust into Him and his whole house. Yet this thign again was the second omen Yeshua made having come from Iudaea into Galilee.
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