Yet Yeshua went into the Hill of the Olive Trees. Yet at dawn he again came aside into the temple and all the people started towards Him, and having sat down He taught them. Yet the scribes and the Pharisees lead a woman having been seized upon adultery, and having stood her in the middle say to Him, “Teacher, this woman had been seized by being self brought being committed adultery with; yet in the Torah Moses commanded us to stone such as these. You then, what do You say?” Yet they were saying this putting Him to a test expecting Him to fail, so that they would have something to accuse Him with. Yet Yeshua having bent down inscribed with his finger into the ground. Yet as they continued questioning Him, He bent up and said to them, “Let your first guy without error throw the stone at her.” And again having bent down He wrote into the ground. Yet these having heard exited one by one having started from the elders and just the woman was left behind being in the middle. And having bent up Yeshua said to her, “Woman, where are they? No one judged against you?” And the woman said, “No one, Lord.” And Yeshua said, “Neither do I myself judge against you; go, and from this point on no longer err.”
Again Yeshua talked to them saying, “I Am the Light of the Universe; the person following Me would absolutely not walk in the darkness, will arrive at the light of the Life.” The Pharisees then said to Him, “You testify about Yourself; Your testimony isn’t real.” Yeshua answered and said to them, “Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is real, because I know from where I came and where I’m going; yet you people don’t know from where I am coming or where I’m going. You make decisions in line with the flesh, I don’t decide about anyone at all. Yet if I also do make decisions, the decision which is mine is real, because I am not alone, but it’s I and the Father having sent Me. Yet also in the Torah which is yours it had been written that the testimony of two human beings is genuine. I am the one testifying about Myself and the Father having sent Me testifies about Me.” They were saying then to Him, “Where is Your Father?” Yeshua replied, “You don’t know either Me nor My Father; if you knew Me, you would also have known My Father.” These words He talked within the treasure room teaching in the temple; and no one arrested Him, because His hour hadn’t yet come.
He then said again to them, “I am going and you will look for Me, and you will die by means of your malfunction; where I am going you people can’t come.” The Iudaeans then were saying, “He isn’t going to kill Himself, is He? Because He’s saying, “Where I am going you people can’t come”? And He was saying to them, “You people are of down here, I Myself am of up there; you people are of the order of this world, I Myself am not of the order of this world. I then said to you that you will die by means of your malfunctioning behaviors; because if you won’t trust that I Am, you will die by means of your malfunctioning behaviors.” They were then saying to Him, “You, who are You?” Yeshua said to them, “The start whatever it be I also am talking to you. I have a lot to talk and to decide about you people, but the One having sent Me is genuine, and what things I heard from beside Him these things I talk into the universe.” They didn’t recognize that He was speaking about the Father to them. Yeshua then said to them, “When you raise the Son of Adam high, then you will recognize that I Am, and I am doing nothing from Myself, but just like the Father taught Me I am talking these things. And the One having sent Me is with Me; He didn’t let Me go by Myself, because I am always doing the things which please him.” With His talking these things many put their trust into Him.
Yeshua then was saying to those Iudaeans having trusted Him, “If you make your home within the message which is Mine, you are genuinely My disciples and you will know Reality, and Reality will free you.” They responded at Him, “We are the sperm of Abraham and had been enslaved by no one at any time; how are You saying that, “You would become free?” Yeshua answered them, “Amen amen I tell you that every single person who engages in the malfunction is a slave of the malfunction. Yet the slave doesn’t make his home in the house into the eon, the son makes his home into the eon. If then the Son should free you, you will be existentially free. I know that you are the sperm of Abraham; but you are looking to kill Me, because the word which is Mine isn’t fond of dwelling within you people. I am talking what things I have seen from beside My Father; and you people then are doing what things you heard from beside your father.
They responded and said to Him, “Our father is Abraham.” Yeshua says to them, “If you people were children of Abraham, you were doing the works of Abraham; yet now you are looking to kill Me, a human being who had talked to you the Reality which I heard from beside God; Abraham didn’t do this. You are doing the works of your father.” They said to Him, “We hadn’t been born from whoring; we have one Father, God.” Yeshua said to them, “If God was your Father you would have loved Me, because I came out and arrived from God; because neither had I come from Myself, but that One sent Me out. Because of what are you not familiar with the speech which is Mine? Because you can’t hear the message which which is Mine. You people are of your father the Slanderer and wish to do the desires of your father. That one was homicidal from the start and didn’t stand in Reality, because reality isn’t within him. When he should talk the lie, he is talking from his own things, because he is a liar and its father. Yet because I Myself speak Reality, you don’t trust Me. Who from you cross-examines Me about malfunctioning behaviors? If I am speaking Reality, because of what do you not trust Me? The person being from God listens to the spoken words of God; because of this you don’t listen, because you aren’t from God.”
The Iudaeans responded and said to Him, “Didn’t we speak beautifully that you are a Samaritan and possess and demon?” Yeshua replied, “I don’t possess a demon, but value My Father, and you devalue Me. Yet I don’t look for My reputation; He is the One looking for and deciding it. Amen amen I am telling you, if anyone should keep the message which is Mine, he would absolutely not gaze on Death into the eon. The Iudaeans then said to Him, “Now we knew that you possess a demon. Abraham died as did the prophets, and you are saying, ‘If anyone should keep My message, he would absolutely not taste death into the eon.’ You aren’t better than our father Abraham, are you? Who died? And the prophets died as well? Whom do you make Yourself?” Yeshua answered, “If I should build up My own reputation, My reputation is nothing; My Father is the One building up My reputation, whom you speak that ‘He is our God,’ and didn’t recognize Him, yet I know Him. And if I said that ‘I don’t know Him,’ I will be a liar the same as you people; but I know Him and keep His message. Abraham your father was overjoyed so that He should see the day which is Mine, and He saw and rejoiced.” The Iudaeans then said at Him, “You don’t yet have fifty years and you’ve viewed Abraham?” Yeshua said to them, “Amen amen I tell you, before Abraham’s having happened, I Am.” They then picked up stones so that they would throw them at Him. Yet Yeshua hid and came out of the temple.
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