Discarding like clothes then every harm and every cunning, and hypocrisies and envies and all slanders, like infants just born right now long for the rational, unadulterated milk, so that with it you would be grown for rescue, if you tasted that the Lord is the Christ. Approaching towards which living stone having been rejected by human beings on the one hand, yet alongside God chosen valuable, and you yourselves be constructed like living stones a a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to bring up spiritual sacrifices welcome to God through Yeshua the Christ. Because he embraces in the Scripture, “Look, I am putting in Zion a chosen, valuable stone lying at the extreme corner and the person putting his trust upon Him will absolutely not be put to shame.” The esteem then is to you folks who put your trust in Him, yet to the distrusting, “The stone which the construction workers rejected, this One became for the cornerstone,” and “the stumbling stone and bedrock of that which offends;” the disobedient strike against the message as far as which also they were put.
Yet you folks are “a chosen family, a royal priesthood, a holy ethnic group, a people for a possession, in order that You would proclaim” the virtues of the One having summoned you out of the darkness into His awe-inspiring light; who at one time weren’t a people yet now are a people of God, who had not been given mercy yet now were given mercy.
Dear ones, I am advocating like foreigners and exiles to hold yourselves away from the biological desires such as soldier against the psyche; holding your behavior the best good among the ethnic groups, so that, in which they talk against you like evil doers, observing the beautiful deeds they will hold a high opinion of God on the day they observe it.
Be posted as an assignment to every human creation because of the Lord, whether to a king like him being superior, or to guides as being sent because of Him for vengeance for those of you doing harm, yet praise for those of you doing good; because such is the volition of God, you folks doing good to muzzle the ignorance of unmindful human beings, like free people and not like holding that freedom a covering for harm but like slaves of God. Value everyone, love the brotherhood, hold God in awe, value the king.
The house slaves being assigned with every respect to the masters, not just to the good and yielding, but also to the crooked. Because this thing is a charity if because of conscience for God someone bears up under griefs suffering wrongly. Because what kind of fame is it if screwing up you also endure being beaten? But if doing good and suffering you endure, this is a charity in God’s presence. Because you were summoned for this thing, that the Christ also suffered on your behalf leaving behind and example for you so that you would follow close upon His footprint, who “did not do a malfunctioning behavior, neither was cheating found in His mouth,” who being being insulted didn’t insult in return, suffering yet didn’t threaten, yet was handed to the One judging rightly; who Himself brought up our malfunctioning behaviors with His body upon the beam of wood, so that becoming parted from the malfunctioning behaviors we should be alive to the state of being righted, by whose flagellum wounds you were cured. Because you were like sheep wandering astray, but you now turned back upon the shepherd and guardian of your psyches.
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