Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Prophets Texts Translated from the Septuagint

 Malachi 2:10a
Isn’t there one Father of you all? Didn’t one God create you?

Psalm 39:6-8 LXX (40:6-8, Hebrew)

You didn’t want a sacrifice and offering, but a body You made ready for me; You didn’t demand burnt offerings and those concerning an error. Then I said, look I am here; it is written about me within the chapters of a book, I wished the doing of Your will, and Your Torah in the middle of my heart.

Jeremiah 7:22-23 LXX

Because I didn’t talk to your fathers and I wasn’t commanding them about burnt offerings and sacrifices on the day in which I had led them up from the land of Mizraim. But instead I was commanding them this spoken word, saying “you will listen to My voice, and I will be to you for a God, and you will be to Me for a people, and you will go on all My paths which I would command you, so that it would be good with you.

Isaiah 1:11-17 LXX

“What are the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?” Yahweh says. “I am full of burnt offerings of rams, and I don’t wish for the hard fat of lambs and the blood of bulls and goats, neither if you should come to be seen by Me; because who sought these things out from your hands? You will not deliver these things to tread My court. If you should bring fine wheat flour, incense to no purpose, it is an abomination to Me; I am not supporting your Rosh Khodeshim and your Shabbats and the great day. My Breath of Life hates your fasting and rest from working, and your Rosh Khodeshim and your festival holidays. I’ve come to have enough of you. I will no longer let your mistakes go free. When you reach out your hands I will turn away My eyes from you; and if you should multiply your petition, I will not yield it for you; because your hands are full of blood.
     Wash, become clean, subtract your vices from your breaths of life; stop from your vices, learn to do the beautiful, seek out judgment, rescue the wronged, decide for the orphan, and do the widow right, and come here and we will discuss this.” He says: “And if your errors are like purplish red, I will whiten them like snow, and if they are like pomegranate seeds, I will whiten them like wool, and if you should want and should yield to Me, you will eat the good things of the ground, and if you shouldn’t want neither should yield to Me, a single edged sword will devour you; because the mouth of Yahweh talked these things.”

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