Friday, December 6, 2024

Philippians 3:2-21, Revised from "The Practice of the Way"

       Finally, my brothers, be joyful by means of the Owner, I’m not bothered to write the self-same things to you in fact, and for you folks it’s rock-solid.

      Watch out for the dogs, watch out for the bad workers, watch out for the mutilation. Because we who do the priestly service by the Divine Pneuma and speak loudly by means of the Anointed Yeshua, and have not been persuaded by the soft tissues of our bodies are the circumcision, although I myself hold a reason to have been persuaded by my flesh and blood also. If anyone else thinks to have been persuaded by their flesh and blood, I have more reason by a circumcision on the eighth day, from the race of Yisra'el, of the tribe of Benyamin, Hebrew from Hebrews, a F'risha where the Torah is concerned, chasing down the congregation where zeal is concerned, where the right behavior which is by means of the Torah is concerned having become faultless. But what things were a profit for me, I have held these things a loss because of the Anointed. But on the contrary I am also holding everything to be a loss because of the superiority of the experience of the Anointed Yeshua my Owner, because of whom I lost everything, and am holding everything to be trash, so that I would be profited with the Anointed and be found within Him, not having my state of right being which is born from the Torah but the state of right being through the realization of the Anointed, the state of right being born from God upon realization, experiencing Him and the power of His resurrection and communion with His sufferings, being formed together with His death, if somehow I would arrive into the final removal from the dead.

      Not that I’ve already gotten it or already been brought to completion, yet I chase after it if I would also seize it, by which thing also I had been seized by the Anointed Yeshua. Brothers, I don’t yet figure myself to have seized it; yet one thing, forgetting the things behind me on the one hand, yet stretching out to grasp the things in front of me on the other, I am chasing down the goal for the prize of the summons above of the God by means of the Anointed Yeshua. As many then as are brought to completion, we should be mindful of this; and if you are mindful of anything differently, God will also reveal this thing to you; but as far as what distance we’ve already come, for us to march in step with Him.

      Become mimics of me together, brothers, and scope out those operating in this way just like you have us for a type. Because many are operating (whom I was speaking to you about many times, and now speak in tears) who are hostile to the cross of the Anointed, whose goal is destruction, whose god is the belly, and reputation is with their disgrace, who are mindful of the earthly things. Because our citizenship starts off with the heavenly realms, from where also we are eagerly waiting for the rescuer, the Owner Yeshua the Anointed, who will transform the body of our humiliation to be formed together with the body of His glory in line with the energy of Him being able also to subject the everything to Him.

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