Some days are going to be frustrating. They're going to be triggering. Things are going to happen that you didn't expect, weren't part of your plans, and interfere with everything. This isn't punishment. It's not judgment. It's not because you did something wrong. This is just life. These are the days where the rubber meets the road as a disciple of the Way, because it will feel threatening and will trigger that fear or aggression survival response which will want to tear back control from the Spirit of Christ in order to "deal with the threat."
This is where some Buddhist techniques such as mindfulness, looking deeply, and meditation can complement our discipleship to Jesus Christ because they can allow us to recognize the trigger for what it is and give us a better chance at not ceding control to our own malfunctioning responses, our own fears, passions, and desires when they begin screaming at us to "DO SOMETHING!" when the best thing we can do, like the Taoist, is nothing, or "non-action" in order to continue to submit to and cooperate with the Spirit of Christ so that He is the one who acts, speaks, and responds through us.
As we continue to render this "old human being" of ours inert through this internal non-action, then His love, His joy, His peace, and so one will flow through us and that is how others will see us responding to these seemingly negative occurrences, because in reality, they will be seeing Him through us responding to them. This is why the practice of the Way of Jesus Christ is a discipline, because it takes time, practice, and many mistakes to make it a continuous thing.
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