You can't make use of something if you don't believe it exists. A person could have been bequeathed a bank account with a billion dollars, but if they don't believe that it exists, then they cannot make use of it and will remain poor and struggling even when practically infinite resources are available to them. The same is true if they believe that it might exist, but that somehow they're doing something wrong if they access it. If the person is afraid to use it for some reason, then it might as well not exist for that person. Can you imagine that? Fear stopping someone from accessing what is rightfully theirs? Of course we can, because it happens every day in various circumstances with various people. Or what about the person who is afraid to touch it because if they do, they might lose their medicare or social security benefits? It does not occur to them that they do not need either if they simply start using the account.
The deliverance which is found in Jesus Christ has already been accomplished. Every single human being is already one with Him through His birth, death, burial, and resurrection. Every single human being has the capacity to disengage from, to detach from their own malfunctioning human responses, their malfunctioning EMI and to submit to and cooperate with the Spirit of Christ already. All that person needs do is believe that this capacity exists in some way, and make use of it.
And therein lies the difficulty, because even those who profess to "believe in Jesus," don't actually believe this capacity exists, or they're too afraid to use it for whatever reason, either because of the guilt or shame they feel, or the attachments they have to whatever. They're afraid of opening their eyes and stepping into the Light, the experience of God acting and speaking through you, because they're ashamed of the things they've done, or because they don't want to give up the things they're doing or the things they possess or who they believe themselves to be.
And so, like the man who escapes the cave in Plato's allegory, they are too few and too far between who know about it and make use of it. And frequently, they only just stumble into this treasure which is already there without really understanding it, or interpreting it from a completely different worldview but still able to make use of it because it does in fact exist and it has their name on it just like it has the name of every human being on it, because Jesus Christ is the exchange and reconciliation for the malfunctions of all those who know about Him and it, and the rest of the world as well. God doesn't play favorites, and if the "non-Christian" stumbles into it and learns to function within Him, effectively becoming a disciple without understanding that he is, when the "Christian" does not or refuses to, He's perfectly willing to stick a wedding garment on the "non-Christian" and welcome him in, even while wondering what's keeping the "Christian" from doing the same when he was specifically invited (not that God doesn't know already, but you get the point).
This deliverance from our common malfunction is available to the entire world, and not just those who profess a certain doctrine and run through the rituals. But you have to make use of it in order for it to do anything, and in order to make use of it, you have to know it exists and not be afraid to use it.
Contrary to current "Christian" thinking, I'm pretty sure there are more "non-Christians" attached to the Head as members of the body than anyone realizes; and more "Christians" that keep themselves amputated than these because of their fear, guilt, shame, and the teachings which encourage such obstacles.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
The Billionaire Bank Account With Your Name On It
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This principle is nicely Illustrated for us in The Last Battle, book 7 of The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. Followers of Tash are thrown into a stable to hold captive until the end of the battle, but when all the trappings of the old Narnia begin to fade away due to Aslan's influence and the stable walls no longer exist, nothing will convince Tash's followers otherwise. They're incapable of seeing the sunshine, feeling the fresh air on their faces, or enjoying the grass and the flowers. Although the four walls of that stable no longer exist in reality, for them they are still very real.