Monday, December 4, 2023

On the Error of Misunderstanding God's "I Am" with One's Own "I am"

 I've been reading and taking in a fair amount of what would be considered "New Age" material lately. This kind of material would likely have scared me off twenty years ago or more, but not any more. Like with everything else, it's not a matter of being afraid of it, it's a matter of dealing with the ideas and information, testing them, and either accepting or rejecting them based on best possible current and previous evidence.

      I have written before that God the Father is the "Foundation" of all of creation, including human beings. That is, everything which was created was coded using His very Being or substance to build it. In this way, all of creation is essentially information using Him as the "building blocks" to give it form and substance. After all, when God was all there was, what else was He going to use to create from? Void when void didn't exist?

     The New Age materials seem to understand this concept very well, except it is my opinion that they make a serious error in failing to grasp a significant nuance.

      Everything which exists, including human beings, is made from God, and it requires God in order to "physically" exist as anything more than just information. This being said, the nuance that isn't grapsed is that while all human beings are coded from God's own Being, and all human consciousnesses are coded from God's own Consciousness as independent free wills, this does not mean that all human beings can lay claim to being "I Am." Coded or built from "I Am," but not the singular personality that is "I Am." The pot which is made from clay requires the clay for its existence, but the shape, hardness, and characteristics of a pot are "programmed" into the clay so that it thus becomes a "pot," a "cup," or a "plate." It is made from clay, but the clay has been so altered so that the "pot" or other dish is the vessel's "persona" if you will.

     It's clear in nearly every Scripture from virtually any ancient religion that the persona of God, the person of "I Am," is a separate mind, will, and emotions from the individual personas of creation, and reacts and responds to human beings as a distinct persona from them.

      It is my opinion that this error in thinking in human beings is generated by the malfunctioning EMI which takes the truth of the concept of being coded or made from God's own being and then, because of the inability of human language to convey the important distinctions and nuances involved, assumes that it is one and the same as "I Am," when in fact the EMI itself is an artificial construct, the physical brain's attempt to jury rig an OS if you will because of the interruption of its connection to that original Consciousness due to the overactive survival responses and the underlying panic mode in which it finds itself. Thus the Ego caused by the malfunction misunderstands and calls itself "I Am" after learning the truth of the origin of the human consciousness, and creation as a whole.

     I am made or coded from I Am's own Being, but "I" am a distinct free will and independent intelligence from I Am Himself. I cannot and do not exist without Him, but He can clearly exist without me. That distinction is one which He Himself makes and respects, refusing to involuntarily erase the free will and independent intelligence of any of us, choosing instead to elicit our cooperation in relationship with Him. This is of absolute importance to Him in a way which the malfunctioning EMI of a human being simply cannot comprehend, and it is ironclad, adamantine, and immoveable either within time or outside of it. Even in the reports from NDEs when a person experiences the love and Being of God and union with Him in its fullness, there still remains a distinct free will and intelligence even as the person's consciousness experiences oneness with everything and everyone.

     It is an important distinction, and important nuance to understand this difference as one progresses in relationship and union with God, regardless of the religious tradition one might approach it from.

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