God is love, agape. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Because the human brain, and the self-identity it creates, doesn't actually operate from a position of love or agape. It operates because of its malfunction from a position of panic, aggression, and bodily cravings. It doesn't really comprehend or apprehend agape.
God is love. If the human mind truly understood the depth of that statement...
God is love. This, more than anything else, should inform those who profess to act and speak in His name on what their own behavior should look like. Lovingkindness, mercy, and compassion should be the primary and overwhelming drive of everyone who professes to know and follow Him.
God is love. Anyone who hates anyone else doesn't know Him, doesn't follow Him, and has no understanding of Him at all. There's a reason the most important commands in the Scriptures are to love God and to love the person next to you. There is simply no leeway, no exception, and no room for anything else.
God is love. God is not complicated. He's not as mysterious as human beings think He is. He is actually about as simple as it gets. He is love. We believe Him mysterious because we can't wrap our malfunctioning heads around the simplicity of Him being love, wholly and totally.
God is love. This is why He is holy. This is the foundation of His justice, a justice so very different from ours because He doesn't seek to punish, but to make right without destroying the person's free will. The greatest justice is the restoration of the offender to a state of right being through love, not his destruction.
God is love. How many different ways does it have to be said? How many times does He have to command it, say it, explain it, and draw pictures to get His point across?
God is love, and He wants us to be love too. That's all. That's what we as a species were initially created to be. Love incarnate. Then we screwed up and for all intents and purposes became fear incarnate and doomed ourselves and our planet. His justice is to restore us, renew us, and bring each and every one of us back to this state of right being, this state of love, no matter how long it takes.
God is love. From unending to unending, He is love. There is no bottom, no ceiling, and no boundaries to it. God is love.
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