I decided to sit down and take an inventory of where I am at theologically right now, in this moment. Everything I currently believe has a foundation in evidence and accumulated data from many sources. Looking at it, and then looking back at previous times I have taken stock of where I'm at even as recently as a couple of years ago, some things have changed quite a bit, and others have not really changed at all except in their scope and breadth. Fundamentally though, my belief and trust in Jesus Christ, and my relationship with Him has changed for the better from where I have been before. If anything, it has grown deeper, and matured.
1) I believe in God the Father, the Source from whom everything which exists was created. He is what we call Energy and Consciousness, and Himself forms the substance of everything which He has created, shaped, and formed including all dimensions, matter, and various manifestations and kinds of energy. For this reason He is fundamentally infinite, outside of time and space (and not subject to them) and therefore eternal, unmoving and therefore not subject to change, and that He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent by the very nature of His existence and relationship to everything which exists. His is the original Existence and the Origin of all other existence.
2) I believe in God the Son, the Avatar of the Father, the Logos who is also Om, Way (Tao), Truth, and Life. I believe that God the Son though existing as God outside of time and space, had an entry point into time and space before the rest of creation and was thus “firstborn over all creation,” and exists within time and space for His creations to interact with and get to know. I believe that as God the Father is the Foundation of all creation, so God the Son arranged and ordered all creation
3) I believe in Jesus Christ; that He is a real human being that was born on May 1st, 0006 CE during the census of Quirinius, Roman Imperial Legate of Syria, when the Kingdom of Judea was reorganized and Judea and Samaria came under direct Roman Rule as a response to the atrocities committed by Herod Archelaus and the constant unrest there. He was crucified under the authority of Pontius Pilatus just outside the walls of Jerusalem and died around 3pm, April 3rd, 0033 CE. He rose from the dead just before dawn on April 5th, 0033 CE. I believe that Jesus Christ was born from Mariam by means of human parthenogenesis, and was conceived as the union of God the Son and Mariam’s own human DNA.
4) I believe that human beings were created with their own consciousness born in some way from His (and thus are made in His image). I believe that they were created with free will, and that God respects this free will more than they themselves do, and will not override it without their permission and cooperation because doing so is equivalent to destroying the unique, individual person.
5) I believe that human beings have a hereditary, neurological malfunction which exacerbates the survival responses of fear, aggression, feeding, and sexual drive beyond all reason, forming the basis of the human psychological obsession with “good” and “bad.” I believe that this malfunction began when our common human ancestors fed on a fruit from a tree they were told was toxic, and the toxins affected human brain chemistry and DNA, and is what is referred to in the Scriptures as “hamartia,” “khata’,” or in English, “sin.” I believe this is the source of the harm human beings cause no matter what their intentions, the chief source of all mental and psychological illness, and it will eventually lead to human beings driving themselves and every other creature into extinction, and the destruction of Earth’s habitat if left wholly unchecked thus fulfilling what our human ancestors were told “dying you will die.”
6) I believe in the Spirit of Christ who has been joined to every descendant of the first human beings who has ever existed through the birth of Jesus Christ, the union of God the Son and human being, through quantum retro-causality and entanglement ("if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all so that the living would no longer live by means of themselves but by means of the One dying and working on their behalf."), and is “activated” by consciously or unconsciously trusting Him to act and speak through the person in voluntary cooperation with that person; baptism in particular being a voluntary, conscious activation. I believe that this is the only way for a human being to bypass their hereditary neurological malfunction in their behaviors, words, and thoughts to produce love, joy, peace, patience, trust, kindness, courtesy, and self-control. I believe that this is the “salvation” or “deliverance” from our “sins” and “sin” which is taught in the New Testament.
7) I believe that God is not angry with human beings because of their malfunction, rather He is more upset with the malfunction itself and the harm it causes, and gets frustrated with the influence it has over human minds that keeps them from turning towards Him. I believe that God forgives or lets erroneous behaviors go easily and freely for anyone who turns away from the harmful things they do or say, and the only thing which He can’t let go is when a person deliberately and knowingly chooses to turn away from Him; the only one who can let this go is the person in question by turning towards Him. I believe that God does not require a blood sacrifice to forgive, but that human beings have assumed this requirement because they want a guarantee of His forgiveness such as a signed contract instead of just His word that He will do it.
8) I believe that everyone who dies either enters a state of torment, also called the outer darkness, through their own turning away from God, or they enter the experience of God’s presence and undergo a life review through the eyes of every other person with whom they interacted whether they knew it or not. I believe that while some may remain there in the clear experience of God’s presence outside of time and space, others may be reincarnated for various reasons into new lives, generally experiencing an amnesia regarding both eternity and their previous lives (though it does not always take as it is supposed to). I believe that because these souls or consciousnesses are re-entering time and space from outside of it, they may reincarnate at any point along the common timeline or “time stream” thus re-entering at a point in time either after the death of their past life or before it (or perhaps even concurrent to it).
9) I believe that it is God’s goal to recover all human souls from the neurological malfunction of their bodies, and to recover all human souls which have willfully turned away from Him. I believe that the outer darkness, the hellish state in which a soul may find itself, while it exists outside of time and space does not have to be permanent and can be exited from through simply turning to God and crying out for help from Him and that this is a choice the soul must make. I believe that it is His ultimate goal for human beings that none of them would be lost forever, but that every single human soul will eventually be recovered into His presence and returned to His Source.
10) I believe that eventually, all human souls or consciousnesses will be transformed or resurrected into permanent, immortal, energy based bodies. I believe that these bodies will be genderless and may be based on the last physical body the soul was joined with in the case of multiple incarnations.
11) I believe that God is love, wholly and completely, that He takes no thought for Himself because there is simply no need for Him to do so, that forgiveness comes as naturally to Him as breathing does to us, that He is at complete peace and complete rest by nature, and that everyone in cooperation with Him and under the control of the Spirit of Christ will also manifest these characteristics.
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