I’ve been thinking today on three passages, four verses really, in which Paul appears to repeat himself in Romans, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians. They translate as follows,
“Because the love of the Anointed holds us together, deciding this, that One died on behalf of everyone, therefore everyone died; and He died on behalf of everyone, so that the living would no longer live by means of themselves, but by means of the One having died and risen on their behalf.” - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
“Because just like with Adam everyone is dying, so also with the Anointed everyone will be made to live.” - 1 Corinthians 15:22
“Therefore then like through one violation for all human beings resulting in condemnation, so also through one right action for all human beings resulting in the setting right of life…”
The chief word in these passages which catches my attention is the word, just three letters in its lexical form in Greek as its counterpart in English is also three letters, “ΠAC”. It means “all,” or also “everyone.” That is, “everyone” as in excluding no one. Furthermore, the context in which Paul writes this reinforces that he means, “every single human being,” unless there are some human beings not descended from Adam.
As Paul writes, “Because just like with Adam, everyone is dying…” This is the context of who is included in the group which follows. As there is no human being not descended from Adam, and therefore dying, so also there is no human being who will not be made to live by means of the Anointed. Just as every human being was affected by Adam’s violation, so also every human being will have their life set right because of the Anointed’s right action. Just as the One died on behalf of every human being, so also every human being died so that the living would no longer live by means of their own devices, but by means of the One having died and risen on their behalf.
Every human being. Every human being has descended from Adam. So also every human being has been joined to Jesus Christ, past present, and future (likely through quantum entanglement and retro-causality). Every human being. Every human being who knows nothing about Him. Every human being regardless of race, religion, creed, sexual orientation; regardless of whether they understand what He has done or not. Regardless of whether they are the holiest saint or the most horrendous of criminals. Every human being has been joined to Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Christ is already present in every human being, dormant maybe, but present and, as Paul flatly states, giving every human being the possibility of not having to live by means of their own devices, their own malfunctioning neurology or flesh, by to live by means of His Spirit if they are just made aware of it. And once that human being becomes aware of it and believes that it’s real (because belief determines one’s reality; you will never act on what you don’t believe), they are able to begin cooperating with Him, submitting their own responses and behaviors to His.
But the mechanism is already present in every human being. God made sure of that. Not just in those of a certain theological persuasion, not just in those who have performed certain rite, not in any kind of an exclusive group. All human beings.
All they have to do is open their eyes to it, and God’s own Eternal Life is theirs ready to flow within them, through them, and overflow to everyone else around them. The only human being who will not benefit from this is that human being who deliberately refuses to open their eyes to Him. That human being that deliberately chooses blindness and darkness. But even then, God is patient. And as Paul wrote, “All will be made to live.” Excluding no one. Even if they must spend time in the outer darkness of their own choice, eventually they will come around. God will not give up until every single human being is recovered and returned to Him where they belong.
Sunday, May 21, 2023
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