I feel powerless
right now. Totally and utterly powerless as I sit here typing on my
laptop. The circumstances surrounding myself and my family feel like
they’ve reached a crescendo which there is literally nothing I can
do. The demons, whether they be literal or figurative depending on
your point of view, which seem to have habitually harassed myself and
my family for decades now seem to be on an all out no holds bar
assault on multiple fronts and I just feel totally powerless against
And all I can do is
Often, this last
line is seen as something which is said out of desperation. Often,
many people see reaching out to an unseen higher power, regardless of
the higher power in question, as one step removed from lunacy. I have
actually been accused of this when defending my faith against a
friend once.
All I can do now is
Thing is, I feel
powerless, but amidst all the anxiety and depression which that
feeling brings on, I also feel a strange peace as well. In
recognizing that I am powerless amidst all this, I am only accepting
reality as it is… as it always
is. It is an illusion that we cling to to say that we have power over
our own lives. We are responsible for our choices, but we cannot
control the storm of choices, decisions, and interactions among other
people and events which affect our lives. That storm constantly rages
even when we are oblivious to it and we are affected by it even if we
had nothing to do with creating it or the direction it takes; much
like the hurricanes which recently hit the eastern coast of the
United States, or the fires which are hitting northern and southern
California right now destroying thousands of buildings, taking lives,
and creating devastation which none of those in its path were
responsible for in any way.
a Christian, the recognition of my personal powerlessness is a
necessity for drawing closer to God through Jesus Christ. You
see, human beings have this habit of not relying on God for anything
unless they feel it’s impossible for them. We have this
contradictory habit of thinking that we know what is best, we have
the power to chart our own course, we can somehow alter the storm or
somehow we are in command of it. As a result, God allows the storm to
surround us and overwhelm us at times in order to bring us to our
senses and make us realize that we have control of nothing. He
doesn’t ask us to surrender our control to Him. We have no control
to begin with. He asks us to surrender our illusion of control to
him. He asks us to face reality, something which human beings
frequently do not want to acknowledge is different from what they
want it to be.
only one who is truly not powerless is God Himself. But He will not
interfere with human free will. He will guide, He will direct, He
will attempt to get us to see reason, sometimes the hard way; but he
will not override our free will however far into the depths of lunacy
that free will might take us.
am much reminded in the midst of feeling utterly powerless, that this
is where I actually need to be. All my illusions dispelled and
reality laid bare. And once I let go of those illusions, that is when
peace begins to settle in. Once I cease to be attached to the way I
think things should be, that’s when the storm within begins to
settle down regardless of the storm without. I
am powerless, but God is not. And He hears the voice of those who cry
out to Him and responds.
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