Stop for a minute and consider how profound and controversial, even subversive and confrontational to modern Christianity, 1 Corinthians 12:3 is, "Therefore I am making known to you that no one talking with the Divine Spirit says, 'Anathema Yeshua,' and no one is able to say, 'Lord Yeshua,' if not with that holy Spirit."
Of course this applies to professing Christians of any denomination or sect, but consider everyone else to whom this applies. Offhand I can think of Thich Nhat Hanh who unabashedly and unashamedly addressed Yeshua, Jesus Christ, as Lord right alongside the Buddha whose teachings he followed. I can think of scores of New Agers, and practitioners of Eastern religions who, while disagreeing with traditional Christian theology, will absolutely address Yeshua as Lord. I can think of at least a few Muslims in the Sufi tradition who would have no problem, at the very least revering Yeshua as a Divinely sent guide if not addressing Him as Lord though never anathematizing Him. They may or may not be addressing Him as "Yahweh," which the word "kurios" should only be understood to mean in specific contexts, but in the strictest sense of the aforementioned Biblical text, they will all address Him as "Lord Yeshua" and none who do would anathematize Him.
But think on that very fact! If we take what Paul said literally, then they all must be speaking with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit must be speaking through them in order to accomplish this whether or not they claim to be Christians or want anything to do with being called one. According to Paul, and, if we take what the apostle said as being God-breathed, according to God Himself, this people who address Him as Lord are also speaking with the Holy Spirit, possessed of the Divine Spirit. And this very fact must radically alter our perception of who is operating with the Divine Spirit and who is not, as Paul uses this as a kind of acid test as he leads into the various manifestations of spiritual or paranormal abilities.
What is also telling is when we see love, joy, peace, patience, trust, kindness, courtesy, and self-control being displayed among these people who do not identify as "Christians," but do not see them among people who do. Clearly, it is not everyone of either camp. Clearly, it depends on the person. But adherence to a particular tradition, title, or religion does not apparently equate to whether or not someone is actually operating by the Holy Spirit, at least according to Paul. It is whether or not we can observe all of these things from that person which are clear indicators of the Holy Spirit operating. And the first is whether or not that person is able to say, "Lord Yeshua/Jesus."
"And there are differences of charismata, but the self-same Pneuma; and there are differences of ways to serve, and the self-same Owner; and there are differences of operations, yet the self-same God who operates the everything within everyone. Yet to each person is given the manifestation of the Pneuma with a view to what benefits."
In these verses in 1 Corinthians 12 you see the entire Trinity represented. One might replace the word "kurios" or "owner" with "Logos" and it would still hold the same concept as there was no difference between the Logos and the Kurios/the Christ in Paul's mind. Paul's point here is that while there are different roles and manifestations of the Divine, regardless it is still the self-same Father God, Logos, and Pneuma operating within and producing those manifestations for each person.
I think too much emphasis is put on the lists of charismata which follow these verses and not enough emphasis is put on the concept Paul is actually trying to get across which is, "And all these things operate with the one and the self-same Pneuma dividing to each his own just like It wills. Because just like the body is one thing and has many body-parts, yet all the parts of the body being many are one body, so also the Anointed; and because with one Pneuma we were all baptized into one body, whether Judean or Greek, whether slave or free, also all were given to drink the one Pneuma."
Again, one might insert "Logos" for "the Anointed" and it would still convey the same concept. We are all of us a part of the Logos, and each of us when disengaged from the flesh produced ego will produce some manifestation of that truth regardless of what that manifestation looks like. Those manifestations, those charismata are driven by the same Pneuma, not different identical Pneumata, but the self-same Pneuma, the one Pneuma just as there is only one Logos of which we all share a part. And all of these are operated by the one, self-same God who works within or operates everything within everyone or everything.
Thing is, I'm pretty sure the Stoics would not have disagreed with what Paul said here. While baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Anointed and the Logos incarnate, is meant to induce the disengagement from the ego and clear the way for this, all of what Paul said is still true for every human being, and every human being is still capable of it should the ego be disengaged from or shut down because every human being, every human consciousness or soul is still a shred, a fractal, or a part of the one Logos who is the firstborn of all creation and identified with the God and Father.
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