Monday, October 7, 2024

The Force Has Chosen You, But You Must Choose The Force

 "The Force has chosen you, but you must choose the Force." - Midnight Horizon, Daniel Jose Older

I've reflected on these words more than once since I read them a couple of years ago. Within Christianity, we often refer to God calling someone either to discipleship or to a specific role. In the Gospels, Jesus calls or invites several people to follow Him and be his disciples. Not everyone does. After the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6, many who had followed Him left when they didn't understand what He was saying and thought He had lost His mind. Jesus had called each one of them. Jesus had chosen each one of them, but each one of them had to choose Him as well.
     Discipleship is a two-way street. It's an agreement between master and disciple and requires the commitment of time, patience, energy, and practice of both parties. It isn't enough that the master has chosen you, you must commit yourself to his instruction.
     The Force has chosen you, but you must choose the Force. I once wrote a Ramble called "Yoda Pancakes." It focused on Yoda's duel with Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones, especially where Dooku attempts to bury Yoda with heavy stones and rocks ripped from the ceiling of the cave they're in. At that moment, Yoda had to choose the Force rather than his own devices. Otherwise, he would have been a little green smudge on the ground. A Yoda pancake.
     Similarly, Christ has chosen you, but you must choose Christ. Christ has called you, but you must choose to submit to the guidance, direction, and control of the Spirit of Christ instead of your own malfunctioning flesh. Every charism, every "spiritual gift" is dependent on you ceding control to the Spirit of Christ, and choosing not to act on your fear, anger, or bodily cravings. Every fruit of the Spirit is absolutely dependent on you choosing the Spirit of Christ, and not your own flesh's ravings.
     You cannot be a disciple of Jesus Christ without committing to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. You cannot be a disciple without choosing to live as He taught and walk as He walked. You cannot display the fruit of the Spirit of Christ, or use its gifts, without choosing to submit to and cooperate with the Spirit of Christ, because they are born from the Spirit and not your own devices, your own flesh, or your own emotions or passions.
      Christ has chosen you, but you must choose Christ.

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