Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Original State of Human Beings

"Consider the birds, they neither sow nor reap, have neither storehouse nor barn, yet God feeds them. How are you any different from them?"
     Imagine a world where all anyone has to do to get food and water is to go out and look for it. The weather is always warm and temperate so you only need relatively light shelter, and you don't have to worry about keeping clothed, because there's no need for clothing. The only job you have during the day is finding enough food for yourself and possibly your little ones, either gathering it from trees and bushes, or hunting game. No one is obese because you can only gather enough food for the day, there are no processed foods which encourage obesity, and the process of just gathering enough food keeps you lean and physically fit.
     This is the picture of human beings, homo sapiens, in their earliest state somewhere in Africa before spreading out into the Middle East, the southern shore of the Black Sea, and the Persian Steppe. This is the state in which God created us, hunting and gathering omnivorous primates that had no other concerns physically beyond finding food which was relatively abundant, and reproducing. This is the state in which our ancestors lived prior to the malfunction from eating a toxic piece of fruit they were told not to. This is the state in which we were in balance with the rest of our environment, and the one we were meant to occupy in the world.
     Modern human civilization is a product of the malfunctioning, imbalanced human mind. It is because of this malfunction, this interpreting everything that pleases oneself as a survival necessity and hoarding it or craving it, and everything that displeases oneself as a survival threat and trying to push it away or destroy it; it is because of the social structures which evolved influenced by it that people go hungry, many people can't support themselves no matter how hard they work, and a very few control the vast majority of life sustaining resources.
      And we can't go back. Ever. The malfunction and millennia of civilization make it impossible without massive suffering. And even if somehow we did, it would only start over again because of the malfunction which is hardwired into the surviving homo sapiens brain. It would be both unkind and fruitless.
     As I was reflecting on what Jesus was saying in "Consider the birds," it occurred to me that, at one time, human beings didn't sow or reap, have either storehouse or barn either. They didn't spin fibers and weave cloth for clothes either. They lived exactly as God intended for them, and they survived just fine, several different species concurrently no less, for hundreds of thousands of years, and so did this planet and its other species.
     We have to acknowledge the serious deviation we took, and the internal problem we all are still hardwired with. We have to be honest with ourselves about it and understand where it's taken us, both as a species and with each one of us individually.

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