Monday, March 4, 2024

Christian Nationalism is Antithetical to the Kingdom of God

      The problem with Christian nationalism is that it fundamentally misunderstands what the Kingdom of God is. The Kingdom of God is not a place, it is not a political entity with laws, borders, and institutional structures. The Kingdom of God is all those in submission to and cooperation with the Spirit of Christ. The Kingdom of God are all those connected to and receiving instructions from the Head as the parts of the body are connected to and receive instructions from the brain. The Kingdom of God is all those through whom Jesus Christ acts and speaks, and through Him the Father. 

     This is the reason why all attempts at "establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth" or "ushering in the Kingdom" are faulty and will fail, because the Kingdom is already here. This is also why the belief that Jesus Christ returning to set everything right, or at least according to the "right" belief system, is itself faulty. As long as His people through whom He acts and speaks are here, He is already here manifested through the people of His kingdom. In this sense, He has never left but has been with us the entire time. 

      The thinking that one can hasten or force His return through bringing about apocalyptic conditions is itself also faulty, misguided, and in opposition to what He taught. If He has to return bodily to impose order on Earth, it means there is no other hope left, and it means His body is no longer here. It is the work of His kingdom to forestall that day by manifesting Him and teaching others to manifest and connect to Him. As long as we are here, He is here.

     The idea behind Christian nationalism that all laws must be brought into alignment with the Kingdom of God is fundamentally flawed, because the Kingdom of God needs no laws for its people, because its one law of love is written on their hearts and minds through union with the Spirit of Christ. Forcing others to obey religious laws isn't the spread of the Kingdom of God, but an admission that you are not acting as a part of it but acting according to your own malfunctioning survival responses of fear, aggression, and bodily cravings.

      The Kingdom of God passes no laws for its citizens because there is no need. Laws are made, not for those in submission to and cooperation with the Spirit of Christ, but for those under the control of their own malfunctioning survival responses. Those through whom Jesus Christ acts and speaks do no harm, but instead manifest love, joy, peace, patience, trust, kindness, courtesy, and self-control. Would Jesus Christ commit murder through someone? Would He steal? Commit adultery? Or do anything to harm another? Thus the drive to impose “Biblical Law” on national governments is antithetical to the Kingdom of God.

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