"In that time Yeshua went on the Sabbath through the sown fields; and His disciples were hungry and started to pick the heads of wheat and eat them. and the Parushim having seen it said to Him, "Look, Your disciples are doing what isn't allowed on the Sabbath. And He said to them, "Didn't you read what David did when he and those with him were hungry? How we came into the house of God and ate the bread on display, which wasn't allow for neither him nor those with him to eat, except for only the priests to eat? Or didn't you read in the Torah that on the Sabbath for the priests in the temple the Sabbath is a common day like every other day, and they are innocent? And I say to you that a greater One than the temple is here. And if you knew what "I want mercy and not a sacrificial victim" is, you wouldn't have sentenced the innocent. Because the Son of Adam is also the Owner of the Sabbath." - Matthew 12:1-8, my own translation this morning
This. This right here, and the following verses where Jesus (Yeshua) openly challenges the Pharisees (Parushim) on whether or not it's allowed to heal someone on the Sabbath. How many times in the churches today are the "rules" of that church or denomination placed in a higher position than simple mercy, or in the original Hebrew of the verse Jesus quotes, "khesed," "lovingkindness." I want mercy and lovingkindness, not tithes, not sacrifices, not Sacraments, not dress codes, not inflexible codes of conduct.
How many times did God have to say this in the Prophets and in how many ways? How many times does He have to say it now? How many times does He have to say, "I don't want your sacrifices, I want you to love"? "I didn't ask for your religious practices and traditions, I told you to be kind, show mercy, defend the defenseless and innocent, and above all to love. Love Me, and love your neighbor like yourself." Religious practice without mercy, sacrifices and offerings while being cold to those around you, murder, hatred, unfairness, and treating others badly in His Name makes Him sick to His stomach, so to speak (this is something He Himself says in the Prophets).
God would rather have a homosexual who loves Him and loves the person next to Him than a straight, conservative Christian who is merciless. The former person is actually honoring Him, while the latter is blaspheming His Name. He would rather have a destitute homeless beggar who shares the last piece of bread with the person next to him, than the wealthy businessman who refuses to lift a finger to help them, no matter how much he gives to a church. He would rather have the prostitute who is kind, than the nun who beats children. Mercy, love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, yes, simple kindness like giving a cup of cold water to someone who is thirsty, these are the things that are evidence of the true worship and obedience to God our Father. And Jesus went out of His way explain that in no uncertain terms to the religious leaders who were more concerned with their rituals, traditions, personal wealth, and politics.
God would rather have the repentant tax collector than the squeaky clean Pharisee.
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