Tuesday, March 28, 2023

No One Comes to the Father Except Through Me



     Jesus is here speaking as the Logos, the Tao, Om, or the Cosmic Consciousness Himself. He is speaking as the One who cannot be named or even described by mortal lips and mortal understanding; the One for whom it is impossible to be illustrated or portrayed in any representation comprehensible by a human mind. As I wrote previously about the Logos:

“The Logos was both the conscious rational mind of the individual, and the conscious rational mind which governed the cosmos, operating in both. When it was physically embodied, the Logos existed as pure ΠNEYMA (“breath,” “wind,” “spirit”), which is easily synonymous with our modern concepts of manifestations of energy like fire, which was also the animating force of all animals and human beings. In a way, as I think about it, a modern analogy of the Logos might be “the Force” from Star Wars, existing as both the “Cosmic Force” ordering and maintaining the universe with a will and mind of its own, and the “Living Force” interacting with and cooperating with living beings. Though certainly divine in nature, it wasn’t seen as a “deity” per se, or like one of the “gods” in the Roman and Greek pantheons, but even these had to submit to its order and will.”

      The message He was trying to convey in John 14:6-11 completely guts any argument that Jesus Christ never claimed to be God, because from a first century perspective, He was here, and with John’s identifying Him as the Logos, claiming far more than just mere divinity. The Being He was claiming to be held power and dominion over even the gods, and those gods had to obey His directions. He was claiming to be the Being, the Existence above even the mortal concepts of divinity that both ordered and created the entire cosmos as well as being one with that Being. If you had known Jesus Christ, you had known the Father as He is. You had known His personality, who He is and what He is like. When Philip asks, “Show us the Father,” while innocent, it is woeful ignorance because Jesus had been showing and explaining the Father to them from the moment they met Him.

      No one comes to the Father, has seen the Father, or has known the Father except through the Logos who explains and demonstrates Him. No one comes to that Cosmic Consciousness separated from It. And as John writes in his first epistle, that Cosmic Consciousness, that Being is love, and the person not loving doesn’t know Him, can’t know Him apart from that love. There is no possible way to know Him except through love, and that love, that Being incarnated, Jesus Christ. He alone is the Way because love alone is the Way, but He is also the destination, the prize and the goal for which we run this race as Paul described. This race begin with love, love is the track we run on, and the goal is love because God is love, and the goal is God through Jesus Christ who is love incarnated as a human being.

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