God forgives. God lets go of offenses. It's not difficult for God to do this. He understands us better than we do. The only thing He can't let go is what we can't let go of, because He's not the one holding onto it, we are.
Consider that for a moment. Jesus said that "every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy (literally, evil speaking) of the Holy Spirit won't be forgiven...". Why? Is He holding onto it, or are we?
"Every sin and blasphemy..." Those are the words Jesus uses in the Scripture. Think about that for a minute. Murder, theft, blasphemy, adultery, rape, child molestation and murder, genocide, and any or every possible abomination or atrocious act a person might commit will be forgiven to human beings and let go by God to the person who changes his mind, turns away from these things, and turns to do the right thing.
What won't be forgiven? Speaking evil of the Holy Spirit. Knowing that the Holy Spirit is acting and speaking, and then deliberately saying evil things about it, attributing it to something evil. Why can't this be forgiven? Because He's not the one holding on to the offense. The person is. You can't let go of what is not in your possession to let go of. The person who is doing this is refusing to turn away from what he is doing, he is refusing to change his mind and stubbornly digging in. God can't forgive those who refuse to turn around and be forgiven, not because of any lack of ability to forgive on his part, but because it's not a choice He can make for them, and overriding their free will and personality without their consent is out of the question for Him.
If the person does manage to come to their senses, are they then the same person, or someone new completely? We are never the same person twice. Each experience, each encounter, each new insight or thought changes who we are if even imperceptibly. Each decision point on the quantum level distinguishes us from the person who might have made an opposing decision, and distinguishes us from the person we were prior to making that decision.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be let go in this age, or in the age to come. This is what Jesus said. So, there are two ways to look at this statement. The first is that once committed, the person is screwed and can't turn around no matter how much he may want to. But the second, and what follows who God is more, is that while this person is doing this, it can't be let go regardless of whether they are in this age or even in the next. This is a decision of the soul or psyche which travels with them even if the body dies. Does that mean the soul or psyche cannot make a different decision? No. But while it is in this state, it can't be let go of by God, because God is not the one choosing to hold onto it. But once it is let go of, then the person is no longer the same person who was holding onto it.
As long as a person willfully turns away from the Light, he will walk in the outer darkness. This is that person's choice, not God's. He will stay there in that darkness until he comes to his senses and turns around. But once he does, God runs to him with open arms and holds him tight as his child has come home.
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