Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Ramble about Blinking Cursors

I'm sitting here staring at a blinking cursor as it expects me to come up with something to write so it can fulfill its purpose in life. It has no other purpose than to tell me where the letters are going to go, and to tell me where it is I'm going to put the next letters I write. It does not praise me when I write, neither does it condemn me when I don't, it just waits patiently and expectantly. That is its function and it is happy to fulfill it. It does not care if what I write is witty. It does not care if it is passionate, intelligent, inane, or dull. It is there to be the instrument of my creativity, and it is happy to do so. It doesn't come up with anything on its own. It waits for me to do that. It only seeks to be my vessel, never going farther than what I intend, nor resisting my input.

If it should decide to print things which I did not type, then it would be malfunctioning, and I would have to make corrections involving the delete or backspace key. If it decided not to print things which I did type, then it would be malfunctioning, and I would have to find a solution to the problem (generally involving either a reboot, a reinstallation, or at worst a new computer).

In short, the blinking cursor is humble, obedient, takes no thought for what it wants, and waits to act on my slightest whim.

I'm not a blinking cursor. Sometimes I feel like a blank page, with nothing to say, or not knowing what to say. But I'm not a blinking cursor. I usually have very strong opinions about what should be written, or what shouldn't be. I often write what was not intended, and almost as often don't write what was. I don't wait patiently and expectantly. In short, I am malfunctioning and require at the least a reboot on a consistent basis.

It's ironic, if I had to reboot my computer as much as I myself need to be rebooted I would generally either reinstall the software, or replace the computer (depending on the issues involved). But I don't get replaced. I haven't gotten reinstalled. I just keep getting rebooted, and I keep getting worked with as is, malfunction and all.

If anyone could judge me, it would be the blinking cursor in front of me. Yet it makes no judgments. I certainly do. This is part of my malfunction. Instead of allowing what should or should not be written to be decided by the author, I decide for myself what should or should not be written and then I presume to decide it for others as well. This is what was written or not written before, therefore it should be the same every time for every person. I make a poor cursor not permitting the imagination or creativity of the author.

We can learn a lot about following Christ from just considering the blinking cursor in front of us. He was a good blinking cursor. He wanted us to follow His example.

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