Today, I decided to put on some old
Avatar: The Last Airbender
episodes. I haven't watched them for some time because we used to
watch them all the time and it got to the point we knew each episode
by heart and could recite the dialogue verbatim.
In the
series, there are two characters which stood out today, Prince Zuko
and his uncle Iroh. Prince Zuko is practicing his martial arts
training and is, in a spoiled and impatient way, demanding that his
uncle teach him the advanced set of movements. His uncle wisely tells
Zuko that he's too impatient and that he needs to practice more on
the basics. No matter how much Zuko pushes, Iroh does everything he
can to politely avoid advancing him before he's mastered the basic
In the
following episode from that one, Zuko finds himself in a serious
martial arts duel called an “agni kai” with a master of his
martial discipline over a master of personal honor. His uncle can
only stand by and watch because it is a matter of personal honor, but
he does advise Zuko to remember the basic forms of his discipline
because they would save his
life. The contest commences as the prince and his opponent square off
and try to best each other. At first Zuko in unsure and his oppenent
takes advantage of it nearly dropping him and dealing him a crippling
blow. Then Zuko's basic training takes over and overcomes his fear
and he drives back and defeats the man who insulted his honor.
was right to emphasize that Zuko master the basics first before
teaching him anything more. As Christians within the Church we would
do well to remember Iroh's wisdom. All too often, we barely skim over
the basic teachings of Christ and try to go straight to more
“advanced” teachings. The problem is that if we don't master the
basics, then we don't have the foundation we need to progress
as my family and I have moved from Idaho to Arizona I've had to
relearn this lesson. I began to panic, and to worry about money, and
to stress out. I spent less time in prayer, meditation, and spiritual
reading and more time in just trying to bury my head in the internet,
videos, etc. so that I wouldn't have to think about it. The
only thing this accomplished was to make me more stressed out and
panicked. I had forgotten to remember the basics.
basics of Christian practice are love, compassion, and empathy for
God and all others regardless of how they make you feel, letting go
of your self and everything you're attached to, and remembering that
God loves you and placing your trust in Him for your needs. We
practice these through prayer and meditation and being conscious of
them at all times. This is what Jesus Christ taught, and
like Iroh's instruction to his nephew, we shouldn't be trying to go
on to more advanced things until we have these mastered. It is for
lack of mastery of these things that we get hammered, beaten down,
and thrown about by the attacks of our spiritual enemies.
good does it do us if we try and “master” the spiritual gifts
when we don't even understand the depth of His love for us and
through us? What difference does it make if we have the whole Bible
memorized, and yet remain a slave to our possessions or passions?
on mastery of the basics is the only thing which can truly keep us
safe in the constant battle against ourselves and our spiritual